You can choose from a variety of Pods, Fuel Boosters, Engines, Probes, Parachutes, and other miscellaneous parts. The Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) is where you will build your ships. Each Module will have a video that introduces the lessons, and then it will take you step-by-step through the process. There are four modules to complete, each with 4 to 7 lessons. The Training Center provides tutorials to help you understand the basic mechanics of the game. The main buildings are the Training Center, Vehicle Assembly Building, and the Launchpad. Kerbal Space Program 2 features key buildings that you will engage with during your playthrough. You can start by checking out the Training Center tutorials or starting in the Vehicle Assembly Building. Once the campaign begins, you have free reign. Once you have these basic controls set, you are ready to go and can begin the campaign. These colors will be applied to any spaceship or spaceplane that you build. You can customize your Agency Flag and colors.

You can adjust the Docking Tolerance as well as toggle "Infintite Fuel" and "Infinite Power." When you start a campaign, you can set the Difficulty (East, Normal, Hard, Rocket Scientist, Custom), which adjusts General controls like Reverting and QuickLoad, and it can give you access to Stock Vehicles. Looking for something particular? Click the links below. Beginner's Guide: Tips and Basics Explained